Minor  Wed 25 Nov 2020

Version 20.21.1

    li>We’ve launched a testing version for WeChat Follower Segmentation.
    We’ve launched the testing version for generating trackable WeChat QR Codes in KAWO.
  • You can now create a Douyin post directly from inspiration which contains a video.✌️ (Previously only allows to create Weibo posts)
    We’ve added “”WeChat Ads”” & “”Reposted by Others”” under WeChat reporting How people followed your account”” pie chart.
  • KAWO now remembers your scroll position on the Active Brands page when you switch between brands.
  • You can now request WeChat competitor accounts if they are not found when managing competitors.
  • You can now see in your Brand Settings if your WeChat, Weibo, & Douyin accounts are missing permissions relating to the KAWO connection.
  • We’ve fixed numerous bugs.
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