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Guide to Chinese Social Media Image Size: WeChat 2022

With over 1.25 billion registered users, WeChat, the almighty Chinese super app, provides a unique platform for brands to connect with the masses. (Learn more about WeChat from our Ultimate Guide) Here we take a look at image size specifically for distribution on WeChat. 

In this article, we are covering the following image types:

Note: WeChat has lifted the upper size limit to 10MB to accommodate high resolution images. However, it doesn’t mean you should upload images with sizes bigger than necessary as it’ll slow down the loading speed of the article, hampering reading experience.

Profile Picture Size– 383 x 383

recommend size is 383x383 pixels, yet 200x200 is suffice as long as you keep the ratio at 1:1

Article Preview Header Size– 900 x 383 

The article preview header image spans the top of your account post and it’s the first thing the reader sees. Here’s your chance to be creative and make your article captivating. 

The ratio is always 2.35:1, keep the most captivating information in the center of the image

Article Preview Thumbnail Image Size – 383 x 383 

ratio is always 1:1

Article Inline Image Size– 400 x Any

Its image size displays at a length of 400 pixels, but higher resolution is also recommended. 

The illustration of article inline image size

How can we help

WeChat backend can help you crop images of any ratios into the suggested sizes above, but there seems to be a delay in updating the article preview header after you crop it differently in a short amount of time.

In KAWO backend, all the updates will be in real time and it can also show you what the cropped image looks like in article history, article search and shared article, as illustrated in the left column of the video.

Want to learn more about KAWO’s platform? Visit our website here.

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