Copywriter & Designer

Focus on Creating Great Content
& Let KAWO Handle The Boring Bits

Creativity doesn’t happen by magic.
You need to be inspired and free from disruptive tasks.


Creating content that stands out from the noise on social media is a huge challenge.


As if creating great content wasn’t hard enough, you also have to balance everyones opinions.

Disorganized Materials

As your assets stored in lots of places, and never easy to find right when you need them?

Create Outstanding Content with
KAWO’s User-friendly Platform

Spark Inspiration

Never again be stuck staring at a blank page. KAWO has multiple ways to easily help your to explore and find content ideas for your brand. Learn more>>

Integrated with Xiumi

Use Xiumi’s powerful WeChat article editor and seamlessly sync to KAWO where your team can provide feedback and approve the post.

WeChat Article Feedback Solved

No more sending previews in group chats. KAWO lets people comment on specific blocks of content, and @mention team members to collaborate. Once the changes are made, easily mark the feedback as resolved.

Smart Scheduling

Schedule automatic posting without time limitations. Estimate and suggest the best posting time with machine learning. Once your post is approved sit back and relax while KAWO publishes it at the right time.

Full Version History

Ever made a change and later wanted to go back to the previous version?
KAWO keeps every single version of your WeChat article and lets you easily see the changes and switch back to an older version if you change your mind.

All Your Images, Videos & GIFs Organized

One place to store everything and easily find it when you need it. Search thousands of materials in seconds by keywords, user or upload date.
