Enterprise Dashboard

Transform Complexity
Into Simplicity

KAWO consolidates all your social media accounts — from brick-and-mortar operations, distributors, to store staff — into a single, streamlined platform for superior management.

One Dashboard, Complete Overview

Access a comprehensive view of your brand’s social media performance. From corporate to store and individual staff accounts, our Data Overview provides key performance indicators like organizational resources, brand activity, and influence. With easy access, administrators can quickly analyze performance across various dimensions through visual rankings, ensuring cohesive management.

Browser Rating Streamline Illustration: https://streamlinehq.com

Pulse-Check Performance, Anytime

Forget cumbersome spreadsheets! KAWO offers real-time insights into the performance of your social media channels. Track followers, post counts, and engagement levels anytime to evaluate your marketing ROI and plan resources more effectively. Make data-driven decisions that propel business growth.

Real-time Monitoring of Social Media Goals

Set and follow growth targets based on past performance, such as follower increases or content engagement, using KAWO’s KPI management tools. Our dashboard continuously displays KPI achievements, streamlining your internal tracking and reporting. Focus on reaching—and exceeding—your goals while celebrating social media success as a team! Read More >>

Pyramid Chart Streamline Illustration: https://streamlinehq.com

Unify Your Social Media Channels.

It’s That Easy with KAWO.
