KPI Tracking & Prediction

Hit Your Goals on China Social Media

80% of values are created by 20% of critical inputs.
Focus on social media marketing KPIs to make adjustments in key execution ahead of time.
Keep on track and succeed on social media with your teams.

Customize KPIs

Make sure your KPIs are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Customize social media marketing KPIs for multiple social channels, metrics and time ranges on KAWO and see all your KPIs in one place.

Real-time Tracking

Easily get to know how well you are progressing with your KPIs and performing on China social media at all stages. Be instantly informed via KAWO notifications and emails upon hitting the KPIs.

Automatic Prediction

Dive into your KPIs to see predictions whether you are on track. Think what actions need to be corrected ahead of time to ultimately meet the targets.

Collaborate on KPIs

Great team work creates great social media marketing. Discuss and measure KPIs with your team members to see what steps are being taken to meet the goals.
