Competitor Analysis

Benchmark Performance
& Stay Ahead of Your Competitors

Monitor and analyze the performance of your competitors.
Refine your social strategy by benchmarking the results.

Competitor Ranking

wechat logo
Competitors on WeChat
Weibo logoCompetitors on Weibo
Douyin logoCompetitors on Douyin
bilibili logoCompetitors on Bilibili
Kuaishou logo Competitors on Kuaishou
Xiaohongshu logoCompetitors on RED
wechat channels logo Competitors on Channels

Get a quick overview of where you stand up against your competitors with KAWO’s competitor ranking, one dashboard that simplifies the process of analyzing previously scattered data. Turn public data for other brands on WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, WeChat Channels, and Bilibili into actionable insights to grow your brand.

Top Articles & Posts

Find out what your competitors are doing best on WeChat OA, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, and WeChat Channels, so that you can differentiate your brand and capitalize on opportunities your competitors missed.

Easy Report Exports

Data on competitors is readily available as an image or as a .csv file for your team to view. Creating competitor reports has never been easier or faster!

Manage Competitor Groups

Organize competitors into custom groups to make tracking and reporting even more in-depth. Share competitor groups with different brands across your organization on KAWO.

Competitor Search + Word Cloud

With Full-Text Search in KAWO Competitors, users can monitor competitors across 7 major platforms in real-time. Using the Word Cloud feature, users can further gain insights into industry hot topics and competitors’ keywords, saving time collecting data manually.

Time to leave the competition behind !
