2024 B2B Social Media Marketing
Research Report

Social media marketing in China for international B2B companies is a significant opportunity due to the country’s vast market potential and the extensive use of social media platforms. These various platforms provide businesses different channels to engage with customers as well as drive brand awareness, growth, and lead generation.

As a service provider, observer, and participant in the marketing industry, KAWO is well-versed in the difficulties faced by social media marketers. Based on surveys of 50 international B2B multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in China across 20 distinct industries, KAWO’s 2024 B2B Social Media Marketing Research Report conducted a pulse check on social media marketing strategy and execution as well as explored the future trends including using AI to maximize efficiency.

In this report, we covered:

 Major marketing channels 

Top sources of social media topics

Best-performing types of social content

Working with overseas-based colleauges

2024 marketing budget changes

AI usage in social media marketing

Download now to read the full report, and learn about B2B social media marketing for international MNCs in China.
