Planning, Creation and Approval Workflow for WeChat

Having a simplified and optimized workflow is essential for marketing teams to achieve great results. Meet:

marketing team content designer Katie


Marketing team content copy writer Alex

Copy Writer

Brand manager Nina

Brand Manager


Alex and Nina together plan all marketing events & content ahead and record thoughts in the calendar.
Alex can draft the content details in the NOTES of the ‘edit post’ section where the thoughts are recorded.
Nina can then give feedback in the ‘Pricate comment’ of the ‘edit post’ section after viewing Alex’s draft.


Katie can access Xiumi from the KAWO backend and design the content layout.
After finishing her design in Xiumi, Katie can sync all her work to KAWO’s built-in Xiumi Gallery.
And then back in KAWO’s ‘edit post’ section, Katie can access Xiumi Gallery to choose the content she wants.
After Katie previews and selects the content in XIUMI Gallery, it’s ready to be shared with the team for review.

Review and Revision

The marketing team members can drop internal comments and reviews in KAWO editor.
Alex can also share the content with KAWO’s mini program to the WeChat group for all the other team members to review.
All team members can leave comments in the KAWO mini-program. Comments can be viewed and responded to from the KAWO editor.
Alex and Nina can track, select and review all previous versions of the content.
Alex and Nina can also compare any versions with each other, and all differences are highlighted.

Scheduling and Approval

Alex and Nina can choose the date as well as the best time to post (smart scheduling supported by AI)
Alex and Nina can send the article preview to any team members via WecChat.
Finally, Alex or Nina could ask for two-step approval from designated team members.

Ready to learn more?

Build a better workflow with KAWO!
