Douyin Report

Douyin Data Performance Analytics

Use Douyin data analytics to gain insight into Douyin performance.
Learn which kinds of content attract your audience.

Douyin Data Performance in One Dashboard

KAWO generates Douyin reports by analyze realtime accurate Douyin data to help you instantly find out your douyin content performance, improves the efficiency to gain oversight and allows you to focus on work that delivers results.

Douyin Metrics Data Analytics

On the list of Douyin performance metrics, each metric has its own analytics page, helping you navigate all the important details on Douyin data.

Douyin Followers
The total number of Douyin users following your Douyin account
Douyin Likes
The total number of likes received on your Douyin videos
Douyin Videos
The total number of videos published on your Douyin account
Douyin Plays
The total number of video views in your Douyin account
Douyin Comments
The total number of Douyin comments received on your videos
Douyin shares icon Douyin video Shares
The total number of times your Douyin videos were shared to other social media platforms
Douyin forwards icon Douyin video Forwards
The total number of times your Douyin videos were forwarded/shared inside Douyin
Douyin Video downloads
The total number of downloads of your Douyin videos

Take Douyin likes, one of the Douyin metrics for example, it shows all the Douyin posts which contributed likes within specific date range, and ranks them by likes received.

Furthermore, you can click into each Douyin post and preview the impact of its likes on the total number of likes received on your Douyin account within the specifit date range.

Douyin Label Insights

KAWO’s label visualizations provide strategic insights and help you identify which posts connect with your followers and which could be improved.
You invest so much in creating content so increase your engagement and stop wasting time creating content that produces no ROI.

Monitor Business Competitors on Douyin

Competitors analysis allows you to benchmark your own performance and keep ahead of your rivals. Use their growth to discover new opportunities. Easily export competitors data to share with your team.

It shows the best performing posts from your opponents on Douyin and ranks them by different metrics.

Download Douyin Data on Different Metrics

You can download all your Douyin data on different WeChat Metrics with just one click, saving your team from spending so much time crunching data and creating reports.
You can adjust the layout and choose different metrics in image form.

If you want to download all the Douyin data to a spreadsheet, you can have it in XLS or CSV form with one click, setting KAWO over and above Excel.

Insights on individual Douyin Post Data

Want to review the performance of individual Douyin post? You can simply click any posted content on planning page, and then check post preview as well as different performing Douyin metrics at the same time.

Ready to learn more?

Navigate Douyin with ease!
