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What are Gen Z’s Core Values and Characteristics?

Chinese Gen Z consumers have distinct preferences and behaviors. While price and value for money are important, they continuously value brands who make a conscious effort to connect with them on the right channels and create content and products that are highly relevant and personalized.


From early childhood, Gen Z have been exposed to social media, online learning, and digital entertainment, which shaped their communication, learning, entertainment and shopping preferences. Chinese Gen Z consumers are heavily active on social media and e-commerce platforms. According to a 2022 survey, nearly 40 percent of consumers below 24 years old made several online purchases a week. [s]


Gen Z grew up while China was entering the world stage. Major events such as the 2008 Olympics — watched by nearly 500 million Chinese viewers which accounted for around 40% of all global viewers [s] — and the World Expo contributed to an ongoing narrative of global influence and rising power. They are proud of their country’s achievements and are not afraid to call out foreign brands in particular who seek to misrepresent or tarnish this vision.


Gen Z value individualism and self-expression. They seek out products and experiences that support a vision of who they are or aspire to be. [s]


Gen Z are becoming more concerned with sustainability and impact-driven brands. While it is still not a driving factor in purchase decisions, many consumers will identify social and environmental impact as an important characteristic of a brand. 


Despite their individualistic tendencies, Chinese Gen Z is still strongly family-focused. They often prioritize family values and filial piety and maintain close relationships with their parents and grandparents.

So how can brands effectively leverage characteristics and core values of Generation Z consumers to better empower marketing? Download our whitepaper Social Media Marketing to Generation Z in China to learn how to develop and execute competitive marketing strategies to reach one of the largest consumer segments in China.

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