How Global Outdoor Sports Brand
Built & Strengthened Its Social Media
Presence in China with KAWO

Brand Background

Headquartered in Switzerland, this global outdoor sports brand is a rising star in the running and outdoor sports segments. As a relatively new brand in the Chinese market, its advantages include patented technology, eco-friendly fabrics, and endorsements from professional sports figures, allowing it to stand out in the highly saturated Chinese outdoor sports market. With the goal of expanding its market share in the segmented field, the brand aims to establish a robust presence through a powerful brand.


As a foreign brand using platforms like WeChatWeibo and Douyin, the marketing department identified three main challenges:

  1. The existence of independent and fragmented domestic social media platforms, each with its own data system and metrics. Unified management across platforms is a significant hurdle.
  2. Being relatively new to the Chinese market, the brand needs a deep understanding of market trends to support localized content production. However, frequent monitoring of data and content dimensions for both the brand and competitors is time-consuming.
  3. Despite extensive use of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), the brand realizes that it does not guarantee long-term positive impact. To achieve marketing goals, the brand aims to leverage Chinese social media to construct a powerful brand through content.


KAWO’s all-in-one social media management platform aids the outdoor sports brand in precision management and operation of social media, contributing to the construction and solidification of brand presence in the Chinese market.

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