Social Media Marketing
to Seniors in China 2023

cover of the guide

Seniors are the fastest-growing consumer group in China yet massively underserved.

Their potential consumer demands on social meida are a huge opportunity for those brands who start paying attention. 

In this guide, you will learn about…

Customer Profile on Seniors in China

You’ll discover: 1) Evolution of China’s aging population; 2) differencies in mentality, consumer behaviors and purchasing habits among seniors; 3) behaviors and spending potential on China social networks

Datas on what seniors are impacting social media in China

Ecosystem of WeChat Channels, Douyin, Kuaishou, RED and Bilibili

LOGOs of WeChat, Channels, Douyin, RED, Kuaishou, Bilibili
A slide screenshot of content on how to conquer senior market on Douyin

Marketing Tips and Opportunities on Each Platforms

You’ll learn the opportunities to engage seniors on each platform, and how you can tailor your marketing strategy to fit both their needs and the characteristics of the platform itself.

Case Studies of Brands Marketing on China Social Channels

You’ll learn in-depth analysis on how brands deployed their strategies e.g. owned media, influencers to amplify marketing impact.

A slide screenshot of content on case study of how a brand ultilizes wechat ecysystem to reach audience directly