The Ultimate Guide To

China Social Media
Marketing in 2022

We spent 6 months, going through 330+ sources, interviewing 18 experts, writing 112 pages

to create…

The Ultimate Guide to China Social Media Marketing 2022

In this guide, you will learn about…

The Big Picture

History of the internet in China, diversity in China, unique consumer archetypes and generations…

China’s Tech Rivalries

An attempt at making sense of the tech ecosystem in China – looking at the key players, winners & losers of 2021, revenue models & how that affects doing marketing on their platforms…

An Entire Chapter on Marketing in China!

From covering hottest China marketing trends (guochao, hanfu,…) to the 996 situation in Chinese marketing agencies to some uniquely local marketing tactics such as private traffic, shopping festivals, KOL marketing and how these all link up with the new Personal Infromation Privacy Laws (PIPL)…

A Thorough Breakdown of WeChat

… with all its features and capabilities, WeChat and its marketing capabilities deserved an entire chapter!

Platform Introduction

Overview of 20+ major Chinese social media/ecommerce platforms – from popular to super niche!

Expert contributors

We interviewed 20 experts on topics such as the PIPL, China’s tech crackdowns, China ecommerce, working with KOLs or being a KOL, China market entry… the list goes on. We’re extremely thankful to all of them for their contribution in making this guide as well-rounded as possible. 
