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How a Chinese Hotel Chain Slashed Third-Party Booking Fees by Using KAWO as a Centralized Social Media Command Center

photo: Marten Bjork

A prominent hotel chain, boasting a diverse portfolio of over 200 unique properties across China, recognized the power of social media to reach potential guests and drive direct bookings. 

However, their reliance on costly third-party platforms was eating into their profits, prompting a strategic shift. The chain urgently needed to reduce its dependency on these platforms and harness the power of its owned social media matrix to drive direct bookings and maximize revenue potential.

The Challenge: A Disconnected Social Media Landscape Hindered Revenue Growth

The chain faced a common challenge: managing a vast network of individual hotel accounts across various social media platforms — WeChat, Douyin, Bilibili, etc. Each property had its unique personality and target audience, requiring tailored content strategies. However, the existing fragmented approach led to:

  • Inconsistent Branding: Maintaining a cohesive brand voice across hundreds of accounts was a constant battle, diluting the overall brand image and potentially confusing potential guests.
  • Data Fragmentation: Gathering and analyzing performance metrics from numerous platforms and accounts was overwhelming and time-consuming, hindering data-driven decision-making crucial for revenue optimization.
  • Limited Collaboration: Coordinating content calendars and campaigns across properties was cumbersome and inefficient, leading to missed opportunities for cross-promotion and collaboration that could drive more bookings.
  • Missed Opportunities: The inability to quickly identify and respond to guest feedback or emerging trends on social media risked damaging the brand’s reputation and deterring potential guests from booking directly.

The Solution: A Centralized Social Media Command Center

To address these challenges and seize control of their customer acquisition strategy, the chain turned to a comprehensive social media management platform, specifically leveraging its Organization Dashboard feature, which provides a centralized hub for managing, analyzing, and optimizing their social media presence across all properties:

  1. Organization Brands: The hotel chain easily tracked each property’s social media resources and allocate budgets more effectively. They identified high-performing accounts and provided them with additional resources to further enhance their success, creating a culture of healthy competition and motivating all properties to excel.
  2. Organization Stats: By easily collecting the data, the hotel chain discovered correlation between social media metrics, such as engagement rates and business goals. This enabled them to refine their content strategies, focusing on activities that directly drove bookings and revenue.
  3. Organization KPIs: The chain leveraged the dashboard’s KPI management capabilities to establish clear, revenue-focused objectives for each hotel. By tracking progress against these KPIs, they could quickly identify areas for improvement and make data-driven adjustments to their social media strategies.
  4. Organization Calendar: The team visualized and coordinated content schedules for all properties, ensuring a consistent brand message while allowing for tailored content that resonated with each property’s unique audience. This streamlined content creation and ensured a steady flow of engaging posts across all platforms.

The Payoff: More Bookings, Less Fees, Happier Hoteliers

The implementation of the centralized social media management platform and its Organization Dashboard yielded impressive results:

  • Surprising Increase in Direct Bookings: Targeted content, improved brand consistency, and data-driven optimization led to a surprising increase in direct bookings through social media channels, reducing their reliance on costly third-party platforms.
  • Data-Driven Dominance: No more gut feelings. Every decision was backed by hard numbers, leading to smarter campaigns and higher ROI.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: The ability to promptly respond to guest feedback and address concerns on social media fostered trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

The Lesson: Your Social Media IS Your Booking Engine

This hotel chain didn’t just manage their social media, they weaponized it. They took control, turned data into dollars, and proved that in the digital age, a well-orchestrated social presence isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential for survival and growth.

See How KAWO’s Organization Dashboard Empowers Your Social Media to Drive Direct Revenue. Request a Demo Today.

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