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Organization Stats

Organization Stats is an organization-level feature of KAWO. It consists of four sections: Data Overview, Brand Ranking, Platform Ranking, and Trends.

Data Overview

With Data Overview, your organization can quickly see how its resources are allocated across social media platforms with Group Resource (the number of brands and accounts), Account Activeness (the number of posts and active brands), and Brand Impact (the number of followers and exposure to the platform).

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In the upper right corner, select the date range.

  • Select a date range using KAWO preset options: day, week, month, etc.
  • Or choose any time range with no length limit.
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You can view your organization’s performance breakdown on 5 social media network. WeChat, for instance, offers metrics such as Follower Growth, Follower Growth Rate, Followers, Articles, Total Reads, and Reads Per Thousand Followers.

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Brand Ranking

Brand Ranking allows users to view the Contribution and Activeness of each brand’s account across 5 social media networks, offering metrics such as Follower Growth, Followers, Articles, Reads, and Reads Per Thousand Followers.

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Platform Ranking

Platform Ranking allows users to track the relative growth and performance of the organization’s social media accounts across 5 social media networks, offering metrics such as Follower Growth, Followers, Articles, Reads, and Reads Per Thousand Followers.

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Trends provides users with efficient statistics, comparisons by date range (e.g. Year on Year), team comparisons, and platform comparisons.

  • Comparisons by date range: Within the selected time period, users can compare the performance of single or multiple social media platforms.
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  • Team comparisons: Within the selected time period, users can compare the performance of single or multiple brands on a given platform, and available metrics include Follower Growth, Followers, Articles, Reads, Reads Per Thousand Followers, and Share.
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  • Platform comparisons: Within the selected time period, users can compare the performance of single or multiple platforms, and available metrics include Follower Growth, Followers, Articles, and Reads.

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