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KAWO Users’ Roles

User Roles in KAWO

KAWO offers 5 types of roles with varying levels of access and permissions:

  • Org Owner 
  • Group Owner
  • Brand Owner
  • Operator
  • Read Only 

Understanding Roles

A KAWO user can be assigned multiple roles across different brands and social channels. If a user has overlapping permissions from different roles, they’ll automatically be granted the highest permission level. This flexibility allows you to customize access for each user based on their responsibilities.

Role Breakdown

1. Org Owner

  • Full access to all groups and brands within the organization.
  • Can edit organization information.
  • Manages all groups and brands.Oversees organization performance, billing, etc.
  • Can invite new users and assign them any of the 4 other roles.

2. Group Owner

  • Full access to all brands and users within their assigned group.
  • Can edit group information.Manages users within the group.
  • Manages social accounts, inspiration, planning, reporting, and competitor settings for brands in the group.
  • Can invite new users and assign them the Brand Owner or Operator roles.
  • Can publish posts, manage media, and view data (posts, competitors, reports) for brands in the group.

3. Brand Owner

  • Full access to all users within their assigned brand.
  • Can edit brand informationManages users within the brand.
  • Manages social accounts, inspiration, planning, reporting, and competitor settings for the brand.
  • Can invite new users and assign them the Operator role.
  • Can publish posts, manage media, and view data (posts, competitors, reports) for the brand.

4. Operator

  • Limited access, focused on day-to-day tasks
  • Can publish posts, manage media, and view data (posts, competitors, reports) for assigned brands.

5. Read Only

  • View-only access for temporary stakeholders.

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