KAWO’s Douyin publishing page utilizes Douyin H5 scan to publish.
How to create a Douyin post using KAWO?
Step one: Select “New Douyin” on the “Plan/Calendar” page in KAWO.
Step two: Create and schedule the Douyin video post on the KAWO publishing page.
Step three (optional): If the account has a KAWO approval flow set up, click “Save Draft” or “Apply for Approval” to enter the approval process.
Step four (optional): If the account has AI Audit enabled, view the audit report and modify the post accordingly.
Step five: Click the “Scan and Publish” button to publish.
Step six: Scan the code to publish through the Douyin App immediately or on the scheduled time. Note: If the QR code is not scanned within 3 hours after the scheduled time, the post will automatically expire.