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Explanation of Social Listening Metrics

1.Social Listening

The number of posts on social media platforms

2.Engagement Volume

The total engagement volume of Douyin, Kuaishou, and Weibo = the number of comments + the number of likes + the number of forwards;
The total engagement volume of WeChat = the number of likes + the number of “views” + the number of comments + the number of forwards;
The total engagement volume of Bilibili = the number of bullet comments + the number of comments + the number of likes + the number of coins + the number of favorites + the number of forwards;
The total engagement volume of Xiaohongshu notes = the number of comments + the number of likes + the number of favorites + the number of forwards.

3.Net Sentiment Rate

Analyze the online word-of-mouth by calculating the proportion of positive and negative evaluations of the current analysis object on the Internet.

NSR = (Positive sentiment value – Negative sentiment value) / (Positive sentiment value + Negative sentiment value) * 100%.

4.Author Profile

PGC refers to the expressions made by experts, media, and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). The content generated by them usually has a high level of professionalism.

UGC refers to the voices of consumers and ordinary netizens who are not from official or professional backgrounds.

All Data Sources. unknown When the judgment conditions are missing or cannot be recognized normally, both are assigned an unknown value.
WechatPGCNone (All data in this field is PGC)
WeiboPGCCertification Types: Yellow V, Blue V, Gold V
Certification Type: Regular User & Number of Fans >= 100,000
Certification Type: Weibo Influencer & Number of Fans >= 100,000
WeiboUGCCertification Types: Ordinary User & Number of Fans < 100,000
Certification Type: Weibo Influencer & Number of Fans < 100,000
Douyin\KuaishouPGCNumber of Fans>=100,000
Douyin\KuaishouUGCNumber of Fans<100,000
BilibiliPGCNumber of Fans>=100,000
BilibiliUGCNumber of Fans<100,000
rednotePGCNumber of Fans>=10,000
rednoteUGCNumber of Fans<10,000


The IP address of the post publication

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