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Custom Metrics in KAWO

The custom metrics feature provides brand users with more dimensional metrics to deeply analyze content performance and competitor performance. You can flexibly combine and adjust custom metrics according to your own needs. 

How to set custom metrics?

Step one: Go to Brand Settings

Step two: Scroll down to the Reporting section, select Custom Metrics, and click Create Metrics.

Step three: Add a metric name and description; select the data source, networks, data type, and calculation formula. After validation, choose to display the results in either numerical or percentage format. Note: Only the following operators from the English input method are supported in formulas: “(“, “+”, “-“, “*”, “/”, “)”.

The following formulas are for reference:

Single Post Comparison Formula: More accurately assess the communication effect and audience engagement of a single piece of content, providing data support for content optimization.

  • WeChat Article Potential = Reads * 0.25 + Interactions * 0.3 + Secondary Shares * 0.3 + Amplification Rate * 0.15
  • WeChat Article Natural Open Rate = Public Account Source Reads / Delivered
  • Weibo Post Audience Interaction Activity = Total Interactions / Per Thousand Followers (Follower Count divided by 1000)
  • Xiaohongshu Note Interaction Rate = Interactions / Views …

Competitor Account Comparison Formula: Eliminate the impact of the follower base difference, compare more fairly with competitor accounts, and understand your own strengths and weaknesses in interaction.

  • Weibo Audience Interaction Activity = Interactions / Follower Count Bilibili
  • Audience Interaction Activity = (Coins + Favorites + Comments + Likes + Shares) / Follower Count
  • Douyin Audience Interaction Activity = (Comments + Shares + Likes) / Follower Count
  • Xiaohongshu Audience Interaction Activity = (Favorites + Comments + Shares + Likes) / Follower Count …

Organization KPIs

Who to use KAWO’s Organization KPIs?

For different social media platforms, organizations need different dimensions of metrics to comprehensively measure the KPIs of their brands. The Organization KPIs page helps Organization Owner users on KAWO manage KPIs for their brands and track the progress of goals at all times. It supports:

  • Batch creation of KPIs (future and past)
  • Setting KPIs by comparing growth rates of historical data
  • Viewing past KPIs

How to create KPIs? 

Step One: 

  • Organization Owner users: Click “Create KPI” to enter the settings page.
  • Brand Owner users: Go to Setting KPIs in KAWO for more info.

Step two: Enter the KPI name, select the KPI metric, brands (single or multiple selection), and a date range. Note that you can select a past time to set past KPIs as well.

How to set KPIs by comparing the growth rate of historical data?

  • Fill in the target quantity, and KAWO will automatically calculate the target growth rate and target growth amount for you.
  • Fill in the target growth rate, and KAWO will automatically calculate the target quantity and target growth amount for you.

How to view past KPIs? 

Step one: In Past KPIs, select and click the KPI you want to view.

Step two: Enter the KPI to view details.

Setting KPIs in KAWO

Why Set KPIs in KAWO?

Different social media platforms require different dimensions and metrics to measure their KPIs. KAWO allows you to easily set your own KPIs and track progress towards your goals at any time. 

The “Brand KPIs” page displays the progress of the KPIs that the brand is currently tracking – Planned, Active, and Past.

How to set KPIs in KAWO?

Step One: 

Brand Owner users: Select “Reporting/KPIs” in the dropdown menu in your brand.

Org Owner users: Go to Organization KPIs for more info.

Step Two: Click “Create KPI” on the right side.

Step Three: Fill in the KPI name. Select the social media channel, KPI metric, time range, and target number or growth rate for the KPI you want to add. KAWO will automatically calculate the target increase for you.

Active KPIs will appear in the “Dashboard” providing you, along with all the information you need at a glance.

Creating Xiaohongshu Posts with KAWO

KAWO’s editor for Xiaohongshu not only offers consistent functionality with the desktop version, but also includes translation, preview export, and historical data deposition.

How to create a Xiaohongshu post using KAWO?

Step one: Log into your KAWO brand account, click on the red square in the top right corner, and choose “New Xiaohongshu”.

  • Click on the red square in the top right corner of your brand dashboard, and choose “New Xiaohongshu”.
  • Or, select Planning -> Calendar in the menu bar, click on “+” then choose “New Xiaohongshu” and “Open Full Post View”

Step two: Choose whether you want to create a video or image note:

  • To create an Image Note, upload up to 18 images from the KAWO Media Library. You can drag to change the order. Note that the first image will be a cover image.
  • To create a Video Note, upload a video from the KAWO Media Library. You can set the cover image by selecting a video frame or uploading an image.

Step three: You can enter a title and copy, add topic hashtags and create a location before scheduling a publishing date.

KAWO Editor for WeChat Articles

KAWO offers a one-stop solution for producing WeChat articles from planning, editing, creation, review, approval, and scheduling. In addition to KAWO’s one-in-all WeChat article creation solution, KAWO also offers the following two ways for brands and organizations to publish and create WeChat articles:

How to use KAWO’s WeChat Editor?

Step one: Select New WeChat on Planning/Calendar, click on Open Full post view to enter KAWO’s WeChat editor.

Step two: Click on Add Article and select KAWO Editor

Step three: Users can directly create content on the KAWO Editor page. For advanced interactive effects in WeChat articles, users can use “HTML Edit” to copy and paste complex design codes into the KAWO Editor.

To preview how the code will appear on mobile devices, switch to “View Article”, and click on the device icon as indicated.
