A Brand’s Guide to Mastering Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and WeChat Channels Algorithms

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become essential tools for brands to connect with their target audience and build a loyal following. However, with the ever-changing algorithms and unique features of each platform, navigating the Chinese social media landscape can be a daunting task. This guide aims to demystify the algorithms of popular Chinese social media platforms – Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and WeChat Channels – and provide actionable tips for brands to create engaging content that resonates with their audience and boosts follower growth.

How a Chinese Hotel Chain Slashed Third-Party Booking Fees by Using KAWO as a Centralized Social Media Command Center

photo: Marten Bjork

A prominent hotel chain, boasting a diverse portfolio of over 200 unique properties across China, recognized the power of social media to reach potential guests and drive direct bookings. 

However, their reliance on costly third-party platforms was eating into their profits, prompting a strategic shift. The chain urgently needed to reduce its dependency on these platforms and harness the power of its owned social media matrix to drive direct bookings and maximize revenue potential.

From Chaos to Cohesion: How One Luxury Group Mastered Multi-Brand Social Media KPIs in China

WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu—each platform is a unique puzzle piece in the vast Chinese social media landscape. For luxury fashion groups, juggling multiple brands across these diverse channels presents a complex challenge. How do you ensure each brand resonates with its target audience while maintaining a cohesive brand identity? How do you track progress, identify opportunities, and make data-driven decisions that elevate your entire portfolio?

Enter KAWO’s Organization KPIs – a game-changer for fashion powerhouses seeking to streamline their social media strategy and unlock new levels of success.

A Fashion Forward Approach: A Global Luxury Group’s Triumph

Imagine a global luxury fashion group with a constellation of iconic brands under its umbrella. This group was facing a common challenge: managing a multi-brand social media strategy in China’s complex digital ecosystem.

Cracking the WeChat Code: How Global Outdoor Apparel Giant Used Custom Metrics to Skyrocket Engagement

WeChat, China’s undisputed social media titan with over 1.2 billion active users, presents a unique challenge for global brands seeking to make their mark. It’s a platform with its own language, culture, and algorithms – a landscape vastly different from Western social media. A renowned outdoor apparel giant with a powerful global presence experienced this firsthand. Despite their brand’s international recognition, their WeChat engagement was falling flat, leaving them disconnected from a massive potential audience.

The Challenge: Beyond Vanity Metrics

The giant knew that simply measuring likes and shares wasn’t enough. They needed a deeper understanding of what truly drove engagement on WeChat – the kind of insights that could fuel a more effective content strategy.

KAWO: Evolution of Collaboration in Social Media Management

Since its inception, KAWO has championed transparent collaboration workflows, integrating this principle not only into team management but also into its product development ethos. Over the years, our clients have enthusiastically embraced this approach to social media management, recognizing the value of simplified and transparent workflows in fostering efficient teamwork. It is the unwavering support of our client teams that has enabled us to maintain key features like “single user permissions” within our product offerings.

Yet, over the past decade, the Chinese social media scene has undergone a remarkable transformation. What was once an unstructured approach to social media management has evolved into a more sophisticated operation, resulting in substantial changes in the scale of brands’ social media activities. Some brands, which previously focused solely on “Duo Wei” (WeChat + Weibo), have now expanded their presence to include a cross-platform social media array (“Duo Wei” + Kuaishou + Douyin + Little Red Book + Bilibili) across all product lines. In response to these shifting user demands, KAWO has implemented significant product enhancements.
